
搜索"love come"找到的小说 (Page1)

《Desiree's Diary(Book One)》 / 德希蕾·克拉里 / 英文

...ted the man. He has no heart, she said. And she was sorry for him, because love and peace had no place in his life. In her own life she found true love, with Jean Bernadotte. But in those days a soldier's wife had little peace, especially if her husband dared to quarrel with Napoleon.Some people wri...

《Desiree's Diary(Book Two)》 / 德希蕾·克拉里 / 英文

...nd of St Helena. He had terrible faults, said Desiree. But he was my first love--- and Im not ashamed of those days in Marseilles. She goes back to Sweden and there she is crowned: the first Queen of the royal family of Bernadotte.

《The Mill on the Floss》 / 乔治·艾略特 / 英文

...cters come directly from the author is own life, explores the conflicts of love and loyalty and the friction between desire and moral rsponsibility.Written in 1860, The Mill on the Floss was instantly popular. The values of England is growing middle-class society are reflected by the townspeople of ...

《Tigana》 / 盖伊·加列佛·凯伊 / 英文

... of a fantasy classic--the sweeping tale of sorcery, magic, politics, war, love, betrayal, and survival... A richly sensuous fantasy world, full of evocative history, religions, folklore, local customs, and a magical rites...a bravura performance, nearly impossible to put down.-- Kirkus ReviewsKay's...

《My Name is Red》 / 奥尔罕·帕慕克 / 英文

...ies Byzantine alleyways. My Name Is Red is a ruminating mystery haunted by love, art, religion, and politics. It is infused with cultures, legends, history and philosophy that all drift through the narrative like wisps of smoke. The tense interplay between ancient traditions and human passions is br...

《The Secret Rose》 / 叶芝 / 英文

...years, Until he found, with laughter and with tears, A woman of so shining loveliness That men threshed corn at midnight by a tress, A little stolen tress. I, too, await The hour of thy great wind of love and hate. When shall the stars be blown about the sky, Like the sparks blown out of a smithy, a...

