
搜索"for alive"找到的小说 (Page1)

《A Ceremony》 / 无语 / 原创小说

...- 短篇 - 完结
现代 - 英语
A Ceremony for Those Who Are Still Alive
- A memoir essay from school.
- Any feedback is appreciated although I don't think there will be any. Please feel free to throw any comments at me. XD
- All written in English.

《The Dead Father》 / 唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 / 英文

The Dead Father is a gargantuan half-dead, half-alive, part mechanical, wise, vain, powerful being who still has hopes for himself--even while he is being dragged by means of a cable toward a mysterious goal. In this extraordinary novel, marked by the imaginative use of language that influenced a ge...

《The Poetry of Langston Hughes》 / 蓝斯顿·休斯 / 英文

...an must crawlbefore he can walkand in Alabama in '85a joker was luckyto be alive. 休斯以不得不「妥協」來解釋華盛頓的立場。為達目的,您是否曾妥協或改變您的觀點過?Langston Hughes is one of America's greatest poets. Like so many writers, he wrote about what he k...

《Desiree's Diary(Book One)》 / 德希蕾·克拉里 / 英文

...rope; but there they are dead people ----- and in Desiree's diary they are alive.Here we can see, through a woman's eyes, how history was made. She was there. She knew the men and women who made it. She almost married Napoleon himself.No one really understood him. Not even Desiree. She hated his war...

